Dawn Lianna, M.A. NLP, Intuitive trainer and healer.
“I highly recommend Dave’s work. In addition to being very insightful, Dave works with helping me clear my underlying limiting beliefs and create a stronger, more powerful belief system. He also has an uncanny ability to help me clear myself energetically. He has helped me clear my body, my car, my home and land, my work of energies that do not serve me and to replace them with positive protective energies that have my best interest at heart. I highly recommend his work.”
“Just wanted to say Thanks for the great clearing I received from you today. I appreciate it and found it very helpful as well as increasingly assuring. As if you steered me in the right direction and helped to roll a stone off my shoulders by restoring faith that goodness prevails. The process you used is ingenious. I feel something of a shift in my consciousness already that gives new hope.”